
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ohh... I just love awards time... To read this post, you may have to click on it. Technical difficulties... Gah!

Val over at A Cowhuggers Life and Cheryl at A Midlife Vegan have given me an award. I feel very blessed. I love making friends through this here little blog and knowing that there are some people out there who like my style. Time to repay the favours. I have only just met Val and have been a fan of Cheryl's for a while now. I highly recommend both these blogs. I love reading about their adventures in the Northern Hemisphere and actually Cheryl, I'm going to grow up and be you- especially if there are snow angels involved! I'm still yet to touch snow...

"Liebster" is a sexy German word meaning "beloved". Who doesn't want a little more love in their life??
The idea behind this award is to bring attention to blogs with fewer than 200 followers and show some support. Unfortunately, you're going to have to rip the cute image from one of the above sites, as it seems to have set the gremlins off on my blogger. 

The rules of winning this award are as follows:
1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2. Reveal 5 of your top picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Enjoy the love and support of some wonderful people on the www!

And now on with the show!

The first award goes to (drum roll...)

Tea and Sympatico! I love hearing Caroline's stories about the UK and seeing the amazing food she makes. She is incredibly proactive in the vegan scene and doesn't mind making a sexy cocktail every now and again. Caroline is also really creative and has a Folksy shop where she sells pirate tea cosies. She also got me onto the Cake Liberation Front which I am incredibly grateful for. 

Tegan at Smart Arts and Crafty Cold Cuts is a dear friend of mine from art school. She has the most positive outlook on life and her blog is full of all things creative. She's one of the most talented artists I know. You should go visit her. 

Beautiful Vegan is an amazing site. It's colourful and well... beautiful. It's full of hints and tips and the photos are just stunning. Not sure how many followers they have but, hey. This blog is too cool for school.

Amber combines a love of cats and vegan food over at Zombie Cats Eating Plants. Need I say more? That's a winning combination right there. I've only just discovered this blog but it is super cute. Love it.

and finally, Erin. Erin is a doll. Her blog She Cooks, She Gardens talks candidly about life, food and gardening here in Adelaide. Her recipes are mainly whole foods, healthy and comforting. Many of them she makes vegan friendly. Inspiring.

Once again, many thanks to Cheryl and Val for your love and hope you both are having a wonderful day. xx

PS. If you have any advice on why blogger hates me and is not showing the main body of this post, please enlighten me. It's working on my phone but not my brand new lappy. Gah! 


  1. Awww, you are too kind Sally. Thank you so much for my award, I will cherish it always.xx

  2. Thanks Sally! Its great to know that others like what im posting on my little blog. :) Your blog rocks as well. I love the name! :) I will be doing an award post probably on monday because tomorrow is our tampa bay veg fest and ill be gone all day long.

  3. Thanks Sally, will be checking out those other blogs, sound great!
