
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Vegan MoFo!

Yeah! So this is my first update for Vegan MoFo. Vegan Month of Food is made up of over 700 vegan food bloggers, blogging about everything vegan for the month of October.

Today I bought this super rad cook book called "Please don't feed the Bears!" This book if fabulous! It has recipes for all kinds of things including mars bars, absinthe, teeth whitener and a tattoo gun. No kidding. Insane.

Today I also jarred a mass of pickled onions. I'll have that post up sometime tomorrow.

Happy Vegan MoFo, Yo! Xx


  1. Happy Vegan MoFo! can't wait to read your posts!

  2. oops i meant more of your posts! it's so awesome having vegan bloggers to look for advice and recipes! if i didn't win the badge, is there another way to get one?

  3. I want that book! How much does it cost?

  4. Please Don't Feed The Bears is one of my favorites. There are tons of awesome recipes in there!

  5. Thank You For Telling Me About Vegan Mofo :) =GZ

  6. Hehe! I have that book too. It's fabulously quirky :)
