
Saturday, May 17, 2014

What the "internets" taught me.

I just made a plant hanger with all of my anger about the governments budget. I give a shit about other people. I give a shit about our country and our reputation. I can't help it. Live with honour.  #UseYourAngerToMakeSomethingPositive #StandUpAndFight  

I am back from the states with so much inspiration. To come back to a budget that leaves nothing for Australian's and the future of our nation is incredibly disappointing. Life. 

I made this planter today whilst listening to ABC24 and scouring Pinterest. I have a new love of Pinterest. I used to simply go on the damn thing and pin all of the pretty things to boards I never looked at.
Now, I am actually referring back to them and using Pinterest for what it should be- an online filing cabinet. I recently made some seitan (which is the best that I have made as yet), an orange infused, pumpkin and rocket pearl barley salad and this macramé plant holder. It's so great to be able to refer back to websites that I know I like, instead of spending hours trolling the internet for inspiration. 
You can find the original article and how-to for this hanging pot here. It took a whole 5 minutes and is pretty much just tying knots into synthetic wool. It's so easy.  

The internet is a vast and learned adventure. 

1 comment:

  1. I keep thinking that I need to investigate Pinterest. I've yet to engage with it but we get the keys to our new house tomorrow so it might be a good time to start using it to collect ideas and inspiration.
