
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

All Natural (I mean, for real) Apple and Nutmeg Muesli Bars

I am on a trip at the moment of being as frugal as I can so I can get my arse back to the UK in time for June. I also want to buy a house some time in the next year. As someone who has been a student for longer than I care to remember (I have a few pieces of paper which will tell you I am apparently smart) I have not had any savings plan to speak of. I am doing exceptionally well to date. I have been riding my bike instead of taking the bus. I have been buying all my fruit and veggies once a week at the markets and making a myriad of delicious things to preserve the food and keep me and my lover going for a couple of weeks. I spent about $25 and made sun dried tomatoes, pasta sauce, marinated roast zucchini, apple chips, marinated roast capsicum, and these muesli bars. And I still have heaps of delicious fresh foods left.

Here is the recipe for these delicious and healthy muesli bars. They are fat free and sugar free. All of these ingredients I had already in my pantry. You can substitute the fruit, seeds and spices for whatever you have in yours.

Makes: 12
Time: 30 Minutes.
  • 2 Cups of rolled oats.
  • 1/4 dessicated coconut.
  • 1 Cup of dried apple.
  • 3/4 cup of pitted prunes.
  • Half a teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds.
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds.
  • Half a cup of water.

Place all of the ingredients into a blender and blend on high until all of the ingredients clump together.
Form into muesli bar shapes with your hands.
Place on a baking tray and bake at 180C or 360F for 20 minutes.
Allow to  cool.

Store in an airtight container.
Should keep for a week.


  1. Yum! Good luck with your continued savings- it's very inspiring! :)

  2. Thanks Leslie! It's such a good feeling :)

  3. Sounds yummy! I love home made bars!

  4. You'll love 'em, Val! Let me know if you make any :)

  5. I added honey. and used premixed natural summer fruits musli. YUMMO!!

  6. Im guessing Vegans dont eat honey. However im not vegan, but do love your recipes, so i had to try it.. Hope i havnt offended anyone. :)

    1. Yeah, we eat alternatives like rice syrup, maple syrup, agave nectar, golden syrup- all those kinds of things. Glad you liked them, though! :)

  7. This is not fat free or sugar free. Oats and coconut have quite bit of fat, and all fruits contain sugar.

    1. Obviously many foods have fat and sugars in them, however here, I refer to, as most things do these days, refined cane sugar and oils/ butters.
