
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Raw, all natural Chocolate Brownies! Hells Yeah!

I gave these to my family yesterday for our Easter celebrations on Good Friday. I must say a massive well done and congratulations to my mum, who is up to week 3 of her 30 day vegan challenge. I'm very proud. She said that she's found it really easy and she's learned a lot about her health and the meat industry.
She made a delicious meal with spring rolls and Thai green curry. For dessert we had mochi. Admittedly I am in between night shifts and I fell asleep on the couch but it was delicious.
I made these and some  raw chocolates to give as gifts. Alas, the chocolates were not hard enough to pull out of the moulds. I have to work on that recipe. I might just chuck them in the freezer and see if that hardens them up.
Anyway, these brownies are delicious and super easy to make. I often just use whatever nuts, seeds and dried fruit I have in the cupboard and the chocolate is just superb. It makes you feel a little indulgent even though there is no sugar or artificial crap involved. Yeah! I'll give you a basic recipe but remember that as long as you can make a dough, you can add whatever you want.

Time: 10 minutes to make, overnight to set.
Serves: 16.


For the base:
  • 2 Cups of walnuts. These are the best nuts to use when making chocolate brownies so try to use at least a cup full of them. They release oils which work super well.
  • 1 Cup of dried apricots.
  • Half a cup of currants.
  • Quarter of a cup of water.
  • Half a teaspoon of nutmeg.
  • Half a cup of raw cocoa.
For the chocolate:
  • Half a cup of melted coconut oil.
  • Quarter of a cup of agave nectar or maple syrup.
  • Half a cup of raw cocoa power.

For the base, place all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until the ingredients form a dough.

Take a square pan about 25cm x 25 cm (ten x ten inches) and line with baking paper.

Place the dough in the pan and level out using your hands.

Take the ingredients for the chocolate and place them in a bowl. Stir well. You may even want to use a hand blender if you have any lumpy bits.

Take the chocolate mixture and place on top of the base. Smooth using the back of a spoon.

Place in the fridge to set over night.

And that is it! Too easy. You can cut it up and serve it to your loved ones. I often leave a batch in the fridge to put in my lunch box for work.

Happy Easter everyone. Have a safe holiday and please take care on the roads. I don't want to see you at my work.

Oh, and hello to Christina A.'s friend that has been living in Antarctica. :) You (and everyone else in Adelaide) should come to one of our Cake Liberation Front meetings. You can find the details here.

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