
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Live Below the Line. Day two and a curry of sorts.

This week I am participating in Live Below the Line, surviving on meals costing no more than $2 a day to help fight extreme poverty.

Day two of Live Below the Line was a pretty easy one. Having said that I can hear my belly grumble whilst writing this prose. I awoke from my slumber periodically between lunch time and 3:30 pm after only having fallen asleep at about 9:30 am after a wonderful night of working. I went to sleep just past midnight so it wasn't a massive day of eating.

Yesterday, I looked in my fridge at all the wonderful things I couldn't eat. The olives, capers, broccoli... Le sigh. It felt as if I were looking in a shop window at the things I wish I could afford but were just out of reach.

I'm certainly feeling very grateful for all I have right now.

With my selected ingredients, I made a simple curry. It would have been great with some rice. I did, however eat it with rocket. Oh, how I do miss a nice, fresh salad. I almost feel like I'm on some crazy diet that doesn't include fresh foods. It's a bit nuts but this whole process has certainly made me re-evaluate how I eat. As if going vegan wasn't enough.

I also had more donations yesterday from the wonderful Janey Mac, Beck Callahan and Andreas Murphy. Thank you all for supporting me on this little journey and raising much needed funds to educate and assist with the issues surrounding extreme poverty. You too can donate here. Even if you can only spare $1, every little bit counts.

Split pea and Potato Curry. 
A very similar recipe to the soup. Surprisingly, I had housemates say it smelled amazing and my lover even said it tasted delicious. I told him he could have it with rice if he wanted and he said no. How sweet.

Time: 5 minutes prep, 20 minutes to cook in a pressure cooker, 40 minutes on a stove.
Serves: 4.


  • 4 Potatoes, peeled and diced.
  • One sliced onion.
  • Two cups of split peas.
  • 2 T of curry powder.
  • 2 T of tomato paste.
  • 3 cups of water.
  • A few shakes of salt and pepper. 
Pressure cooker: Place all of the ingredients in the cooker and place the lid on. Bring the pot to pressure. Reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes. Reduce the pressure. Take the lid off. Stir and serve.
Stove top: Place all of the ingredients in a pot and stir. Bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for about forty minutes, or until the split peas are cooked and the sauce has reduced. 

Day 2 Meal Plan.

Breakfast: Split pea Soup.
Lunch: Split pea and Potato Curry with Rocket.
DInner: Lentil and Mushroom Stew.

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