
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Melting Moments to Melt Your Vegan Heart.

My posts have been few and far between and for that I apologise. Just when you thought I didn't have enough hobbies, what with working, my blogs, curating, the Cake Liberation Front, running life drawing groups, drumming lessons, trying to get in some art and craft time and deejaying, I have gone and picked myself up two more hobbies. Bikram Yoga & Meditation.

The idea behind these two is to help me calm myself and focus, I suppose, as well as get the wonderful health benefits. I often wonder (and have been asked) if I have adult onset ADHD. I just can't seem to sit still. Essentially, I think the reason I am so active is that I know how short and precious life is and I don't want to waste a moment of it.

My high school art teacher had a great influence on me. When I couldn't figure out what I was doing with my life she gave me some essential advice. She said "You don't want to be on your death bed and look back on your life and regret the things you haven't done." I have obviously taken this advice on board to the hilt.

So that there is my excuse for not making many posts. I've got a bunch of photos. I've just gotta get to the write ups.

Here is a special treat for you, though. They are very regular, as in there are no special ingredients and a lot of it is your regular vegan substitution foods. They are Melting Moments.

I took these to the last Cake Liberation Front meeting on Sunday and they were all gobbled up. Very delicious. Just make sure that your sugar and glacé cherries are vegan. Some white sugars use bone char to filter it and the cherries sometimes use bugs called shellac to make them shiny. Avoid the preservative number E20 and there'll be smooth sailing.

Time: 10 Minutes prep. 15 minutes to bake.
Makes 20 or so.

  • 3/4 Nuttelex or other vegan margarine substitute. 
  • 1/3 Cup of powdered or icing sugar. You can make powdered sugar by placing it in a blender or coffee grinder and blitzing it for a minute or two. I use raw sugar for this. 
  • 1/3 Cup of cornflour.
  • 1 Cup of plain flour.
  • About 10 glace cherries, chopped in half. 


Place the sugar and butter in a bowl and beat well. Add the cornflour, the flour and vanilla and stir very well. I like to just chuck it all in my food processor and mix in with  a spatula but whatever floats your boat.
Now line your tray with baking paper.
For the next part, you can either place the ingredients in a piping bag to make cute, little patterned biscuits or just use a teaspoon. They do look cute if piped but hey, they still taste the same. Amazing!
Place half a glacé cherry atop each one, so that it is placed in the middle of the biscuit.
Place them in the oven at 180C or 360F for 15 minutes or until they are golden.
Take them out of the oven and let them cool on a wire rack.

This was at the Cake Liberation Front meet. They got a bit bruised and bashed on the way there but they were still delightful. 

Hope you're all fantastic! Welcome to Spring, Southern Hemisphere. 


  1. I totally relate to you about life getting in the way, I sucked it up and made a post today about my absence as well. :/ Your cookies look delicious! I'm not familiar with Nuttelex, where do you get that?

    1. I'll have to check out your post, Amber. It's crazy how we just get so busy. But really, we shouldn't apologise if we are having a great time! Nuttelex is an Australian brand of dairy free margarine that you can buy at pretty much every supermarket here in Australia. :)

  2. I made these, very simple to make, lovely plain style biscuits, perfect for part of an afternoon tea selection.
