
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Polenta based Pizza- Great for those clean, GF moments.

After a little cardiac scare and post the hectic Christmas and New Year season, I've decided to really step it up in regards to my health. I've always eaten quite well, but I often over indulge in the good stuff and drink a bit (or more) of alcohol here and there. I also usually go out for dinner at least once or twice a week and despite that the food I choose is vegan, I am under no pretences that it is indeed healthy.
I must admit I also haven't exercised in a while, unless you call dancing until my legs hurt in the wee hours of the morning exercise. It's hard to find the time when I'm trying to balance work, my art and my social life (read that as letting my friends and family know that I love them, not just being up for a party).
I know. I know. Exercise is something I need to make time for, but honestly... I sometimes find it boring. No matter how much I love riding to work, I've been riding the same paths to work for a few years. No matter how much I love bikram yoga, it's the same poses over and over. What do you do to keep yourself entertained?
I'm trying to find a gym that has classes close to my working hours and is near my place of work. I am also trying to start a little home gym. We'll see what happens. I think my aim will just be to move for an hour a day at this stage. One thing I do love is dancing around the house. Surely that works?
I am also cleaning up my food intake. I've stopped drinking alcohol. I've increased my intake of greens and am steering away from any processed foods whatsoever.
I found the idea for this recipe in a little book called "Clean Start" by Terry Walters. It seems to have a more macrobiotic outlook which I can really appreciate. Everything in it is cooked in someway, even the salad I ate yesterday. I appreciate raw foods but on a day like today where you can forget that it's summer, I like something warm in my belly. The book is great in that it has different seasonal recipes containing all the food that the season brings forth.
This pizza is a great idea. I took the idea for the base and just added my own toppings. I don't know about you, but I always just use recipes as a guide and substitute with whatever I have in the cupboard and so for this reason, I will just tell you how I made the base, what I added as a topping and you can change it up however you see fit... And it's gluten free. I've made a few changes to the original recipe for the polenta to make it more tasty and silky. Hope you like it.

Polenta Pizza

Time: About an hour.
Serves: About 8.

Pizza crust:

  • 4 Cups of veggie stock.
  • 2 Tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil.
  • 1 teaspoon oregano.
  • 1 teaspoon of minced garlic.
  • 1 and a quarter cups of polenta.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Place the veggie stock in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the oil and herbs and stir. Whilst stirring, add in the polenta. Keep stirring until it thickens and becomes smooth. 
Take a large oven tray and line it with baking paper. Spread out the polenta until it's about as thick as a pizza base. Like this: 

Set aside or place in the fridge until it's firm. Once it's firm, add your usual toppings and place in the oven and bake at 180C or 350F for about 40 minutes or until the toppings are cooked. 
I added tomato paste, portabello mushrooms, red onion, capers, red capsicum and a cheesey cashew and polenta topping with baby spinach and fresh basil. I also added a balsamic glaze over the top. You can add whatever makes you happy. :)

Serve warm and take the leftovers for lunch. x


  1. Ooooh, this looks great. I love your optimism regarding leftovers. Ha! What are they? ;)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Haha! I'm guessing with all the hungry bellies in your family, you don't see many of those! :)

  2. Sorry I should have asked, what temperature should this be cooked at?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That's a bit of an oversight on my behalf. Sorry! It was 180C or 350F. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oh yum love polenta, going to try this. Another good non-wheat pizza I make is potato mmm really good thanks for another great recipe

    1. Hey love. Yum! Potato pizza sounds amazing. How do you make that? :) x

  5. Hi Sally, hope you're ok. I totally identify with your feelings towards exercise. I do struggle to stick to anything. Currently I'm using an exerecise bike at home so I can watch tv or read at the same time!

    1. That's a great idea, Caroline. I'm thinking about getting some kind of indoor equipment for winter. Right now I'm walking to work and then catching the bus home. Riding the bus is the only opportunity I get to read, so now I can exercise and read. Loving it! I suppose you've had some crazy snow lately? My friend from Sunderland is staying with us and she was commenting on the weather over there. Seems Cold! :) Hope you're handling it all well and keeping warm.

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