
Friday, December 28, 2012

Raw Banana Ice Cream. A Real Revelation.

I love ice-cream. There are some great brands out there that make delicious, cruelty free ice-cream for our taste buds to devour but there is something amazing in taking it right back to basics and making it yourself. Seriously, this recipe could not be easier, cheaper or healthier for you. I always end up in childlike awe and wonder when I make a banana ice-cream. It's just like the real thing. I can't fault it. You can add so many different flavours to it to make the ice-cream of your dreams. Have a play.

Time: Freeze overnight and then five minutes prep.
Serves: 6


  • Six bananas.
  • Whatever you wish to flavour it with, like half a teaspoon of vanilla, or one tablespoon of lemon juice or one tablespoon of cacao nibs or one tablespoon of peanut butter. I used cashews in the photo.


Chop the bananas and place them on a tray. Put them in the freezer overnight.

The next day, place them in your blender/ food processor with the other ingredients for a few minutes on high until it looks like ice-cream. You can place it in a container and keep it in the freezer.
The banana ice cream keeps for quite a while.
I recommend letting the mixture sit on the bench for a few minutes before serving if you are taking it directly from the freezer as it can be rock solid.

Devour, completely guilt free. 


  1. I saw this on A Beautiful Mess a while ago and have been meaning to give it a go ever since. Definitely going to try it now that I have a food processor that will be able to handle the frozen nanas (thank you Santa!).

    1. Santa Rocks! Hope you have a lovely day. :) x

    2. PS. What's A Beautiful Mess? Is that a blog? :)
