
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Raw Creamy Dill Dressing.

Oh, wow. I have so much to tell you. I've been on a little journey of self discovery (Yeah. I know. Another one) but this time my mind ticked over my own fear of flying. I became afraid of flying about six years ago, post having a panic attack on an airplane. I'm not really sure what sparked it. A mix of being somewhat hungover, in a cramped space and in a bad relationship at the time, I dare say. Since then, every time I have gotten on a plane, the thoughts that have flown through my head become more and more imaginative. I'm not even going to describe the horrors I see. They're just too graphic.

I have spent the last week in Bali, and I'll go into that in more detail another time. The weeks leading up to the flight had me imagining all kinds of certain death.

At one point I came to terms with the fact that getting on the flight would be the end for me. It's so ridiculous. I started to look for ways to help me overcome my imagination. I started listening to self-hypnosis tapes. I did guided meditation and reiki with a dear friend of mine. I did visualisation and deep breathing exercises. It was at this point that I started to completely realise something which I knew but hadn't fully thought out- Descartes theory of dualism is a crock.

The mind, spirit and body are not separate. Every cell in our bodies is amazing and we don't have to separate them into something bigger than we are to know just how special being alive is. How you treat your body has a profound effect on your mind/ spirit and vice versa. In order to feel entirely good, healthy and in control, we must treat ourselves well in every aspect of our lives. Our bodies were made to move. It feels good not only physically, but mentally, too. Deep breathing helps to calm the cyclone of thoughts in our mind. Challenging our minds helps us to stay lucid and have physical balance. Our hearts well with emotions when wrapping our arms around those we love.

Every little cell in your body deserves nourishment- from your mind, to your heart, to your lungs, to your muscles. Feed it. There is nothing supernatural about it because every single little part of us, and the world and the universe is entirely natural. Astounding and natural. Feel special. You are.

Be whole.

We are all made of stars.

Raw creamy Dill dressing.

Time: 10 minutes.
Makes: Half a cup.


•Half a cup of cashews.
•One lemon, skin and seeds removed.
•About a Tablespoon of chopped fresh dill, or to taste.
•About a quarter of a cup of water. More or less depending on how you like your sauce.
•Salt and pepper, to taste.

I didn't, but I imagine you could add a clove of chopped garlic to this, if you're a garlic fiend.


Place the cashews and lemon in a food processor and grind for about a minute. I use a mini food processor which makes small batches of foods easy. It was $15 at Target.
Add the rest of the ingredients and process for another full minute.

Enjoy with salads or on a baked potato.

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