
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Raw Peanut Butter Squares x

I eat a lot. I eat all day everyday. I am constantly snacking. Eating is amazing. I have realised the wobble of my thighs has nothing to do with world peace. I am content.

Tonight I was hungry and I really felt like something peanutty and chocolate like. I kinda made the mixture up as I went along, so feel free to add things to the mix. As long as it sticks together when pressed, it will work perfectly. Sorry about the lame photo. It's a bit shizz. I wasn't planning on posting this recipe, initially, but it's just too good not to share.

Time: 15 minutes. Then about half an hour in the freezer.
Serves: About 24.


The filling-

• 400 grams of raw peanuts (sorry- I'm not sure how many cups that is. Maybe three?)
• Half a cup of apricots.
• 4 dates.
• One third of a cup of raisins.
• 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil. (You could probably use natural peanut butter here. I couldn't find mine or I would have).
• Two tablespoons of sweetener (I used maple syrup and rice syrup).
• One teaspoon of vanilla essence.

The topping-

• 3 quarters of a cup of cacao.
• Half a cup of maple syrup or agave.
• One third of a cup of coconut oil, melted.
• A small handful of cacao nibs.
• A pinch of salt.


Place the ingredients for the filling in a food processor and blend on high for about five minutes, depending on your blender. You want to end up with something resembling almost a dough. Press into a tin lined with baking paper.

Put the ingredients for the topping (except the cacao nibs) into a bowl and stir well to combine. Pour over the filling and smooth out. Sprinkle the cacao nibs over the top.

If you're in a hurry to eat this, place in the freezer for about half an hour. Otherwise, keep in the fridge.

Cut into squares and serve with a nice cup of tea. X


  1. Ooh, they look loverly! I've just made energy balls with 3 handfuls of goji berries, 3 handfuls of pumpkin seeds and a tablespoon of melted coconut oil whizzed up in a food processor. Not my idea I must add, it's from a book but so good and great for a work snack :)

    1. Ooh, that does sound good! I'll give that one a go! :)

  2. I love the idea of apricots being the base of a raw recipe (rather than traditionally used dates). These look mouth-watering!

    1. Awe, thanks love! I do love apricots a whole lot more than I love dates. I also often use other dried fruits instead, like raisins, or sultanas. :) x
